Carnelian Tumbled Stones Utilizing Carnelian will make you unstoppable. Ancient Egyptians believed this stone was a symbol of life and a protector, and modern cultures agree. It's a powerful protector...
Carnelian Beaded Bracelet Wear Carnelian and you'll be unstoppable. Ancient Egyptians believed this stone was a symbol of life and a protector, and modern cultures agree. It's a powerful protector...
Blue Sandstone Round Beaded Bracelets Blue Sandstone is the stone of ambition. It will help you to overcome that nagging block that's holding you back. Blue Sandstone will give you...
Citrine is a type of quartz stone that’s been around for thousands of years. A prosperity stone, it’s said to help the bearer strengthen their self-esteem. It’s also thought that...
Smokey Quartz is a grounding stone! This means it helps connect your higher self with the earth. It is a conduit for universal energies to flow into the physical. Smokey...
Orange Calcite Crystal Towers Orange calcite is an ideal crystal to energize, cleanse, and bring positive energy into your sacral and solar plexus chakras. This stabilizing stone will also help you...
Serpentine (also called Afghanistan Jade, Bowenite, Tangiwaite or Tangawaite) is a healing gemstone that helps to heal and balance the physical, emotional and mental bodies! In crystal healing, Serpentine is...
Known as a "Stone of Courage," Bloodstone is a stone of protection and courage. It enhances vitality and strengthens the heart. Wear it or place it over the Heart Chakra...
Amethyst Crystal Tumbled Stones This natural amethyst comes from deep within the earth and has been used for centuries as a protector from negative energy. It is a powerful stone...
Lovable Aura Rose Tumbled Stones Rose Aura Quartz is a powerful crystal that will help with emotional issues connected to self love. Via the heart and soul star chakras, this...
Obsidian is truth-enhancing. A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and...
Blue Lace Agate is a type of tumbled stone that has a unique and beautiful appearance. It is often used for its calming and soothing properties, making it a popular...
Calming Caribbean Calcite Tumbled Stones are a great addition to anyone that needs a little bit of balance, as they help to remove negativity from your environment with their ocean like...
Carnelian Eggs are a beautiful addition to any space with their unique orange hue. Carnelian Eggs help you activate the power of positive thinking, creativity and innovation. Included in purchase:...