The Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara, is located at the base of your spine. It provides you with a base or foundation for life.
It is the first chakra in the human energy system and is associated with our survival instincts, physical needs and sense of belonging.
The Root Chakra helps you to feel safe. It keeps you grounded and focused on what is important in your life. It allows you to feel a sense of security, stability and safety in your environment.
Moss Agate Crystal Towers Moss Agate Crystal Tower is a symbol of the calm and balance you need in your life. It's a stone that will help you to maintain...
Warm Moss Agate Crystal Sphere With Druzy The Moss Agate stone is a beautiful and powerful talisman that everyone should have to be luckier and healthier. It's time to embrace...
Owl Pendant Necklaces
The owl is well-known for its wisdom and independence. This animal has power to see through darkness, which can symbolize insight into the unknown.
If you are between Hawk Eye and Tiger Eye or need some protection, power, or perseverance, Blue Tiger Eye is for you! This transitional stone fills the aura with a...
The Raw Black Tourmaline is the most stable form of this powerful mineral for purifying spaces. It's often found in sacred places like temples and altars, and its high negativity...