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The Forbidden History

What Inspires Us
"Nectar IX is a company that believes in the power of homeopathic healing techniques. We believe that the divine mother provides enough for all and we can utilize everything she has to offer in ethical ways while giving back in the process. In order to be in divine alignment with the cosmos, you must first be in divine alignment with ones self. This is where we step in, to assist you in the process of healing." - Owner @EAD3N


What Motivates Us
Nectar Nine is dedicated to reviving the lost knowledge of homeopathic healing methods and restoring the divine essence within. We believe that overall self awareness & self healing is the foundation of creation. We can only bloom if we are fully nourished. It is time to heal yourself so that you can heal the nations.


Our Future
Our vision is simple, we envision abundance, healing & restoration of what once was so that what is meant to be will be. We have a vision of you reaching your divine purpose so we provide the tools to assist you in this elevation.